
Holistic Wellness

From Trauma       Triumph

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Trauma    Triumph

As your mindset coach and hypnotherapist, I will help you foster a mind-body connection through somatic tools, breathwork, and hypnotherapy.

Hi, I’m Ellie

A mindset coach, certified hypnotherapist, and trauma-informed yoga instructor

Get to know me


As a mindset coach, certified hypnotherapist, and trauma-informed yoga instructor, my journey into holistic healing stems from a diverse background. Originally from the Midwest, I hold a BS in Exercise Physiology and spent close to 15 years in Specialty Pharmaceutical Sales.

Through my extensive work across various medical fields—cardiology, women’s health, neurology, and pain management—I noticed a recurring pattern. Merely relying on pills often overlooked deeper mind-body connections, leaving underlying issues unaddressed.

My pivotal transformation emerged during a time of overwhelming personal trauma. Traditional therapies and medications proved insufficient, plunging me into a profound darkness. Exploring a spectrum of healing methods, spanning Eastern to Western approaches, I discovered the limitations of numbing the pain with vices like alcohol, excessive scrolling, or extreme physical exertion.

In my quest for answers, I embraced diverse healing modalities—breathwork, plant medicine, energy work, herbs, meditation—and stumbled upon the profound power of hypnotherapy. This changed everything for me and I know it can do the same for you!

My mission is to meet you wherever you are on your journey, tailoring personalized strategies that align with your unique goals.

Certifications & Continued Education

  • B.S in physiology-Indiana State University
  • 200 hour yoga teacher certification
  • Trauma Informed Yoga Certification
  • Certified Hypnotherapist- Southwest Institute of Healing Arts
  • NLP Practitioner- Certification David Snyder

Coaching Made For You

About my services

In my coaching practice, I mix the best of both worlds: traditional talk therapy meets turbocharged goal-setting and transformative regression hypnotherapy. Together, we design a program tailored specifically to your goals – because let’s face it, your dreams deserve a personalized roadmap!

Areas of work


Anxiety & depression

Eating disorders

Confidence & self-esteem

Finding your purpose

Weight issues

Adolescents experiencing depression, anxiety, bullying

Fears & phobias


Grief & trauma


Physical & chronic pain

Relationships & self-love

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End unwanted habits

What is hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that uses guided relaxation, focused attention, and suggestion to help individuals achieve a heightened state of awareness, often referred to as a trance. In this relaxed state, the mind becomes more open to positive suggestions, imagery, and ideas that can help bring about desired changes in thoughts, feelings, or behaviors.

What Hypnotherapy is not

Contrary to common misconceptions, during hypnotherapy, you remain in control and cannot be made to do anything against your will. The hypnotherapist serves as a guide, facilitating the process and offering tailored suggestions to address specific goals, such as overcoming fears, breaking habits, managing stress, enhancing performance, or addressing underlying emotional issues.


Read more Reviews

I am so happy I found Ellie. I don’t know where to start. I was skeptical after years of talk therapy and wanted to figure out why I kept playing small in my business. It was always the same chatter in my mind and it was causing me to feel very depressed. I didn’t want to go on meds until I tried a more natural way to deal with the heaviness. 
I am so impressed with my Past Life Regression session. It showed me so many things that I didn’t know and helped me to gain a different mindset. I highly recommend!

Melissa- Phoenix, AZ

I came to find Ellie through a friend who highly recommended her. As an adult, I started to get social anxiety to the point that I no longer wanted to attend friends birthday parties or family gatherings. If I thought there would be a lot of speaking or focus on me it caused panic. My hands would sweat and I would feel like throwing up. I was open to trying anything. 
From our first conversation I felt comfortable and after a few sessions I was able to join a new women’s group and now I am looking for other groups to join. I have a social life again!

MaryLynne- Indianapolis, IN

I needed to write, and thank you for today's session. All the sessions so far have been enlightening, but I felt really moved by our work today. I appreciate what hypnosis is doing for my ability to understand myself, reshape myself, and better support myself and my efforts in living a happy life. You have been amazing to work with, and I can't believe what we've accomplished. I find it fascinating how much I learn about myself when I'm hypnotized and believe all of these revelations and ministrations make me a stronger and more joy-filled person.

Sylvia- Denver, Co

Our Philosophy

Unlocking the power of the mind

Holistic Approach

Personal Transformation

Customized Support

With diverse expertise in coaching and hypnotherapy, I'll empower you to feel relaxed through a deep mind-body connection.

Having navigated my transformative journey, I offer personalized transformations fueled by personal experiences and diverse training.

Believing in customization, I tailor approaches to individual needs for a unique path to healing, whether overcoming barriers or enhancing well-being.

Its time to Free yourself from limiting beliefs and subconscious programming that sabotage your dreams and limit your potential.

Begin Healing

Your healing starts now

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